Thursday 22 December 2011

I want a Serval

Or at the least a Savannah cat

The idea of weekly updates seems to have been defenestrated, will try write more regularly than once every few months though.

Now have (another) cat, this little one was found in the engine bay of a hyundai. Not only did he have to go throw the shame of being mistaken for a girl, but a few days later in a scrap with one of the other cats, was blinded.
Vet removed the cornea and he is apparently doing fine :D

College has broken up for the Christmas holidays, but the lecturers have kindly given me a sizable amount of coursework (which I have barely started and already lost) to amuse myself with. Amazingly I had all my present  shopping done by the beginning of December, proving that I do, occasionally, have the ability to organise myself. That said it did seem a fair bit easier than it usually does.
The main issue this year seems to be getting it to people, not sure if I'd want to post the parcels either.

OH! My greatest achievement for the year so far, managing to successfully get into, and served at, a handful of pubs, WITHOUT ID.
Taking into consideration I look about 15. The bouncers clearly loved me :p
Although my friend reckons it was the 'sexy santa' outfit; was out raising money for charity, don't judge. Seriously, it deserves more recognition than getting a couple of Bs in my first year of A levels

Now really have to get that coursework started.


Sunday 9 October 2011

More Pets!

I've told you (and shown you awesome drawings) of my chickens, of which we sadly only have two left of.
So now you're getting all the others. Was originally going to do several separate ones, the cats, the other cats, my special princess cat, the dogs and Bird but as I have absolutely nothing else to do today, you're getting treated to a massive long one.

Actually, I'll just do the kitties today, I'm not that desperate.

The African Cats
Both of these children are part AWC, but how much we're not too sure about. Although the general consensus is that the Little One is a product of Mr Cat II's  wanderings before he had his bits removed. While she has the more African Wild Cat markings, and shorter fur, Missy has the better colour.

Now for a Fantastic, Wonderfully Accurate drawing:

But the issue, you see, is that this first drawing wasn't that accurate. I hadn't met the Little One yet when I drew it a few months ago, and it's been a year since I'd seen Missy, who'd changed considerably.

So, here is a more Wonderfully Accurate drawing:
The Little one is honestly the living incarnation of Simon's cat, as far as wanting food goes.

Frodo,Pippin and Rosie-Roo
Now this lot we got when they were about three weeks old, and hand reared. They were originally a semi-feral litter of farm cats but as their mother was a useless queen (kept leaving poor Roo in front of the tractor) we took them off her. The vet and my mom were both skeptical about their survival, they had serious eye infections, coughs and were drastically undersized. Think I was the only one who wasn't convinced Roo was going to die, even at 8 weeks she wasn't the healthiest kitten around, I was also one of a tiny handful of people who could clearly see she was a gorgeous baby, not an ugly scrap of tufty fluff.
As a result of not being let out of my sight, and rarely out of my hoodie pockets for a few months her and I have the most amazing relationship. I get so much love off this tiny cat that if I cuddle one of the boys too much while she is there she goes off in a massive mood and won't talk to or sleep with me for days.

We've just come out of one of those little huffs,  they're not nice.

The two boys :D Frodo (on the right) has actually put on a lot more weight muscle since that was taken.

My Roo-baby. She's currently lying at the end of the bed, she gets annoyed when she has to share my lap with Jellybean. There is nothing at all wrong with naming my laptop.

And that's a selection of my fuzzies!

I'm typing over a cat, it's quite awkward

Well this week has knackered me, that's for sure. My knees are getting so bad that soon my only option will be to send myself to the glue factory. Even my shoulders are now getting to the point where OTHER PEOPLE can hear them. Seriously.

Second week of the official timetable at my new college and still loving it, although will admit I'd forgotten just how messy budgies are O.o
and there were about 20 of them to clean up after.

Cat on my lap is trying to make herself less of a hinderance to typing by being flat.

If I had a complaint, it'd be the unconventional timetable. It just really annoys me, we have more time out of lesson per day than in it. But I love the lake, and sitting by it watching the ducks, although with the weather turning a bit ickky I doubt I'll be out doors much.

On Wednesday I went to Blackpool to see the lights and eat ice cream in the torrential rain. Been there before, but that was for the national qualifiers a few years ago, and only saw the inside of a sports hall. It was really fun, ended up soaking and very cold, but bought a sweet shop's worth of yummies which made up for it.

Really need to stop eating so many cupcakes and sweets.
...Actually, that's probably why I feel like I have the past few days, on the down after a week or so long sugar rush.

So that was a late night,followed, very cleverly, by another. There was some odd german themed evening at the college bar, which was really, really fun. Up until then just about everyone I'd met was on my course, so it was a chance to socialise and get to know a wider range of farmers.
Although the love of tractors seems to be an across the board thing.
Discovered that two pint glasses are HEAVY and need to be held with both hands too. Oh, the cat has gone now.

Friday is the day that I'm now working on, so I get free weekends!  And there had to be a cat that was sick when I was nursing a hangover. Yay.

Just remembered, have a ton of promised posts that I haven't done for the four or five of you that read this, will get to those.

Yesterday I did something entirely new and will admit when I first heard what I was being  dragged to I was a bit reluctant.
We went to a gamer cafe and I watched my rather cool friends take part in a Yugioh tournament. It was really fun and I loved the people there, Everyone was really chatty and I made some amazing new friends, it was nothing like what I'd have expected at all. AwkwardGiraffe and I put a lot of thought into a foolproof, and very professional, gaming tactic. Unfortunately it wasn't really suitable considering the age of her opponent.  So that was all good.
What really messed with my head a bit for the first half hour or so was that the cafe is in the same place my old fencing club used to be, kept expecting to see the pistes or people I knew there.
Marshmallow fluff also contributed to the awesomeness of the day :)

Now, onto the promised posts!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Lots of new things

Well firstly, as mentioned in my last post, my AS grades weren't entirely peachy. Due to the fact all the universities look at predicted grades, and mine weren't predicted high enough, it is highly unlikely that I'd be accept if I applied this year.
Although I did consider going for the gateway vet course, which is a six year degree and let's you in with slightly lower grades. Sounds like a bit of a lifesaver doesn't it?
that there are only 25ish places on the course in the entire country is a bit of a downside though.
Another alternative was going back to my quaint little, but very accommodating, high school sixth form. Where, due to only being a squigdey bit off an A, I'd continue A2 biology and do chemistry, maths and something else at AS (either art or english lit.), ultimately qualifying with four A levels.
Now this was rather tempting.

But what I've decided to do, and am going to enroll  in about an hour, is a BTEC in  Animal Management  at my local agricultural college. Also going to try finish off my biology and chemistry A levels at night school as well. Not only is it an amazing looking course, but I get still get into vet school with it.
What I found rather attractive was that the college full of  well-off farmer's sons  that if, due to the competitive nature of vet school's, it's something I can use. While A levels are all snazzy, they don't really qualify you much for other than going to uni, this is something usable. And looks really, really fun.
They have hawks, a several, wallabies and poison frogs and and..pretty much their own zoo for you to play with.
Also a little scared of re-taking my AS, only to get the same results, this is something completely new.

I'm now 18 >.<

Not happy about being old, that's for sure.
Gave my youth a good send off though. It involved a pirate hat, a gay talk, lots, and lots of kisses with even more rum.
So that was quite fun, although think we killed another chicken with the stress.
She was fine sunday morning,even lay,  but after everyone had gone in the early afternoon, we found her dead :(
Now only two left.

So yeah, thats about it for this week really.

Monday 5 September 2011

A post! Something that's been a bit rare recently..

Might have a dead rabbit in my room.
But I like the idea that there isn't one more, so will run with that.

Speaking of dead things, one of my rescued chickens, Buttercup, passed away last week. We came home to find she'd prolapsed to the point where 85% of her insides were out. Apparently it's quite rare, but due to how battery chickens are raised, it's a probability rather than a possibility. Now really scared about the other girlies.

I know I've not been particularly active on here, but to be honest, not been too active in general as far as the internet goes.

For the last two weeks I've been doing work experience in a couple of vet practices, got to see some laparoscopic ops and discovered the existence of rainbow coloured surgical instruments, the latter excited me very, very much.
My birthday is this week. HINT.

On a similar vetty note, I'm really scared about applying, didn't do as well as I should have, or as my competitors will have done with their AS, so al I have to recommend me at the moment is a absolutely fabulous personality and promises to do A LOT better this coming year. Also terrified of writing my personal statement.

You think sleeping with the admissions board will get me anywhere? ;)

(if there is an admissions person reading this, you never know with the 'net, I am joking)

This weekend has also been rather hectic, I was a bit silly and decided to send the summer off with a metaphorical bang.
Went straight from work on friday to a party, which I left Saturday morning to to work some more, napped for two hours then went out to party more!
Before heading into Manchester to do a bit of shopping. 

Today was the first 'day' of college and I was knackered.
Thankfully there were no lessons, there wasn't much of much really. 

Little disappointing, although discovered my time table now includes thirteen frees as opposed to last year's three. What am I going to do with myself?! O.o 

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Flying tomorrow

While I've missed one or two friends, and my fuzzy children, I'm really not looking forward to it. Thankfully There is no five hour wait in Dubai this time, it's only two. The downside is I don't have any unread books left :/

Packing was horrible, the maid was wonderful, as always, and had packed for us. She just hadn't packed the gifts, shoes or the clothes bought in today's shopping spree. So there were some additions to be made to the suitcase but that wasn't too bad. Except I didn't know where half the things were, and as well as having an uncooperative brother with a lost passport.
Complete chaos.

And the Milo is refusing to be made. I WANT MY MILO!

Talking of shopping early, I had a once in a life time experience. Seriously.

Just been asked to lance an abscess O.o

**And I return***

It wasn't as bad as I thought it might turn out, either my dad or myself are too traumatised.

Anyway, shopping. The awesome one off event?
My little boobs were too big to fit into an item of clothing. The fact it was probably imported from China or Taiwan, where woman are tiny, is besides the point entirely.
It made me happy.

Seem to be going backwards in time O.o

As you know I stayed with friends thursday night.
Watched a horse clinic on thursday, and friday morning, with the most amazing three year old Friesian stallion. He was MASSIVE and very, very pretty. Also saw a, much smaller apaloosa stallion who reminded me of a zebra, just spotty and ginger. My friend succinctly point out that a giraffe may be a better comparison.
We had a quick ride that evening too, looking for the other horses to bring them in, as they're free roaming, was a bit obscicale course like in places and very fun. Was riding a rather pretty little horse called Jasmine, last time I met her she wasn't broken in yet, and apparently that was only down about three months ago. he went well regardless :)

And one of the birds decided it liked me, it said hello. I was told it only talks to short women, even then only select ones.Needless to say I felt special.
Went with the two people I was staying with to one of their parents houses for supper, that's where the bird was. Sentence seems overly complicated. Hmm.
It was amazing, they had (I think?) five dogs, three cats that I saw, four noisy parrots, fish and a fresh water lobster. They'd just discovered said lobster likes to kill fish.
Wish I had that many pets. Only have 5 cats, two dogs, one parakeet and four chickens, they're also slit between two houses so you never get the benefit of having them all there :/

It was rather amazing. The course itself wasn't difficult and we had a great instructor, which I'm sure helped create that impression.
Does anyone other than  Matt read this I wonder?
Saw LOADSSS when I got down to the reefs, it was stunning. Saw Dory's cousins, eels, turtles!, Moorish Idols, Manta rays, sting rays, PARROT FISH!
The latter are amazing, there are various types of parrot fish but one looks like the fish equivilent of a lilac breasted roller. Also saw juveniles on my last dive :)
Clams, coral, leaf fish (can't remember the proper name), various kind of angelfish, coral etc
Everywhere you looked there was something, was so lucky to be diving in a protected reserve.

Bird just fell off his perch and attacked his toys in order to get back at ...well the unfairness of it all.

The worst bit about the diving had to be putting on a damp wetsuit and 6am the next morning in the cold. Those things never seemed to dry. There was also the time my regulator (the bit you breathe through) decided to get air and water confused, resulted in a very panicy few seconds, yet again, thankful for my instructor.
The evenings tended to be spent chilling, a couple of nights we had a few drinks with our instructor, Jenny and one of the dive masters, Peter.
It was one of those nights when Ellie was introduced to black label.
None of us can look at him again  the way we did before that night. Especially Peter. Mainly Peter to be honest.
Don't think a day of that trip went by without someone, either us or a staff member mentioning it. We still like to tease him with the fact that despite telling everyone that when he is rich, he is going to buy Russian women, little Ellie kissed Peter's nipple. Now, I'm sorry, but we can't let him live that down, nor his general cuddliness towards the divemaster.
Oddly enough, he hasn't touched black label since.

Erm, I'm sure there is more to say, but I'm tired and getting a bit bored now.
Just yawned, proving my point.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Generally Excited

and fed up with the boys. Who refuse to do anything for themselves, I get asked to make lunch for them even.

Recently read a brilliant book, by the inspiring Riaan Manser, "Around Africa on my Bicycle". He managed to circumnavigate the continent in about two years, the first person to do so. Since then he has also been the first person to kayak around Madagascar.
While the book documents a lot of the difficulties one would expect to face when undertaking such a task, and a few unexpected ones; what struck me most was just how unbelievably generous people were. In just about every country he cycled through he got offers of accommodation and meals, even when those doing the offering barely had anything themselves.
While there were people who seemed determined to cause as much difficulty as possible for the lonely traveler, and there were times throughout the journey when you had to wonder how he found the will to keep going, this all, to me, seemed to be more than made up for by the absolutely beautiful people that went out of their way, all over Africa, to try and be of some help.
Generally I'm one of those people who'll happily  believe the human race corrupt and, by nature, self centered, this was really awe inspiring. The thought that there may be people who are willing to give as much as they did, to a perfect stranger.

I'll instead revise my argument against the general attitudes of people and blame it all on capatalism, rather than just a lot of it.

Riaan definitely achieved his wish of being able to give his children something hear about, and even pass on to they're children.

Now that the tangent is finished...
Tomorrow I'm leaving for Natal to go diving! Will be gaining my PADI qualification and being introduced to something that I could only dream of until now. It's something I've wanted to do for years, while a little apprehensive, I'm struggling to think of a word to convey how excited I am.

Then almost straight after that  I'me going to see some friends I made last year while doing work experience. Going, again, from having a really chilled lazy week (well, two) to something hectic and that I'm really looking forward to.

My Stepmom is going to laugh at me after reading this...can already hear it

Thursday 28 July 2011

Post with Punjab in it lots

Been back from Kruger for a few days now, but dad ran off with the laptop to Mozambique, so here is your Kruger update!
And btw, the absolutely perfect Punji is helping me with this, his input is highly valued. He seems a bit upset too  :(

We literally saw EVERYTHING except wild dog while in the KNP. Saw the big five, including a fantastic leopard sighting. He was on the opposite side of the river from the perimeter fence at Sirheni, followed him the whole way along it. My other mother also saw one, but it ran off before we could ogle. Managed to see two cheetah too and a pair of mating lion. Was convinced for a few hectic seconds that the female was about to jump into the Landy through the very open window.
Now if that isn't a better wake up than an alarm at 6:30 in the morning I dunno what is.
Saw another pair, this time two young males stalking a buffalo herd, they sat right on the road in front of us for a while, as did the others, before disappearing back into the bush.

Now was was REALLY annoying was that I was in the back of the landyDiscovery with my brother and his friend, Ellie. Now we decided it'd be fair to switch around each day so everyone had a turn at the window, or in the middle.
Apparently the landies and the Discovery are different, not quite sure how.

Punji has some vital input at this point:  *lick*

Thing issue is, Ellie likes to sleep, to the point were it's bordering on narcolepsy. So therefore, whenever he was at the window, he fell asleep.
I wasn't a happy bunny.

Punjab seems a bit melancholy. He wants your hugs and kisses. Really, he thrives on them.

Took him and Sparky, the other dog for a walk today, cleverly deciding to depart for out hour's excursion at midday.
I tell you, carrying a fully grown Staffie who has decided he's too tired to walk isn't amusing. He very quickly got placed back on the floor, poor boy. Even Sparky, how normally races around the bush at 100kmph was barely managing a slow trot by the end, I really felt like an abusive human being, Punji was still panting half an hour after we got back. He went and hid under the side coffee  table indoors - double the shade!
Poor doggie.

My maid made me a mountain of pap today for lunch, she offered to do it whenever asked. It makes me happy.

I can never find fault with her again.

Also convinced my stepmom is about to have a stress related heart attack, went with her to work yesterday. Wasn't even time for us to have a chat, until after 5.30.

Oh! More dog related news! Punji and Sparks got into an argument, Sparks' ear got a little rip and he bled EVERYWHERE all day and night. He had a silly looking bandage all over his head, I will admit I laughed.

ALSO! Did you not the fuzzy brown bit of a coconut is inside a solid green bit? The green bit of our's is now highly decorated and pretty.

Feeling antisocial sat here on the computer, and punj wants a lie down. Also need to call my mother, so bye.

At least I updated!

Friday 15 July 2011


That journey was awful!! Left my house at 3.30pm on Monday and arrived at the other house at 3 am Wednesday L
Yay for a 7 hour stop over in Dubai. What made it worse was that I was travelling with two fifteen year old boys –the things they talk about in public! And loudly too, I got quite embarrassed tbh
Think what made the whole thing worse was the sleep deprivation, probably got a handful of hours worth during that time :/

I met the new-to-me kitten! She is LOUD. All the time it’s FEED ME! Especially when she has food already. If you look at the Little One, you’re obviously intending on feeding her.
And I’m going to have to amend the drawing of Missey, the one I did for my next instalment of the pet-related posts. She’s gotten fluffier! Not much bigger though, but all the fuzz makes it look like she has tiny fat legs. And a mane, she has one. :p

I was oddly unenthused by the mediocre welcome gained from the dogs, but apparently they were jut tired too, as they make up for it thoroughly a little later Wednesday morning, so all was good.  

We’ve had my older brother stay with us over the past few days, resulting in a very full, busy house. Going into Kruger for 6 nights from Sunday, which I’m realllly looking forward to, Love the kruger and the fact we’re going for so long is amazing!

Only been here a few days, so not got much to say, sorry.
Oh, and is it just me or has facebook been a bit dead the past few days?

Sunday 10 July 2011

It's July already?!?

How did that happen?! O.o

Currently lounging outside with a drink waiting for the braai fire to be cool enough for the meat to go on, watching the ponies in the back field.

Today was hilarious! Went into Liverpool with my friend, and met a drunk, redheaded Irishman called Patrick! How stereotypical can you get?! Needless to say, I had to control the giggles :)
Also finally got round to buying some massage oils, which I'll hopefully test out later. Also went into a very,very full, epic vinyl shop that reminded me soooo much of my stepmom, just couldn't remember what she had/didn't have :/ Sorry, but no amazing presents for you as a consequence.

One the subject of Bristol's vet school, mentioned in the last post, I adored it! It was everything I expected and more, definitely made up for the let down that was Liverpool. Can really see myself going there, as with all the others really, not sure how I could choose!
Well, I do have my favourites, but not saying incase any university people see this and remember it and get iffy due to the fact they aren't on top. If you are a university person, which ever one is yours, if my favourite, just as you're reading this.

Last week I was at the amazing course that is Vetsim, held at Nottingham university. I not only held (part of) a 11ft reticulated python, but also an adorable, cuddly little skunk. I'm told they make good pets :)
Also got to fly a kestrel, and hold several larger and HEAVY birds of prey. There was also a three week old baby snowy owl, that consisted of 100% unadulterated Fuff. With a capital F (as you see).
Also thanks to this course, I'm now a qualified marine mammal medic, so if you're on the beach with a stranded cetacean, or wounded seal while I'm there, you have to listen to me. Even if I'm mean.
Why you ask?
I have power!
Well, the membership card somewhere in the post does anyway.

Now, the reason for this blog's existence is so that who ever is not on the same side of the world as I am, knows what I'm up to. Now as I'm initiating the location switch tomorrow, thought I'd get that point out there, and post the link on FB for everyone who wants to, to access.
Will also hopefully up the number of people watching. HINT!

Also theoretically means family on the destination side have a bit more of a clue what happens, as by the time I call them, I tend to have forgotten. D:

Now let's hope I remember to update!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Open Days

Well, dear, beloved, treasured etc readers, as mentioned before, when I'm all big and grown up, I'm going to be a vet. This means University. Which is scary.
Just so you know.
In March I went to an open day type thing in Edinburgh, which wasn't a proper open day. It was Edinburgh just showing off their snazzy, very,very shiny new vet school.
It was REALLY Shiny. So needless to say, I was impressed, so much so that it confirmed the passionate  ambition of my 10 year old self, that was to attend this esteemed institution.

Yesterday I went to Nottingham, where I did an ultrasound on a rather hairy dog. Yes, me, an ultrasound. I saw it's heart move and it's aorta (or the vena cava?)  because I put the gel covered sticky thing in the right place. I felt AWESOME. I have power. Fear it.
They also let us loose with curvy needles and fishing twine. As implied, it did not go well. All in all, it as an epic day, and I really liked the campus and the course, not just because they let us play with the toys.Nottingham is renowned  for having a highly practical course; in which students are handling animals and famliarising themselves with basic procedures from the start. This is a major selling point, and most definitely the reason for Nottingham's popularity, despite the relative newness of the vet school.

And then, today, there was Liverpool.
Which, despite having a reputation as one of the best Vet schools in the country, didn't thrill me. At all.
The hospitals out at the Leahurst campus were nice and all that, but they just lacked the 'wow' factor. Then there was the faculty buildings in the middle of Liverpool, where you spend, pretty much, the entire first three years. It is not only grimy and in desperate need of refurbishment, but they admit that there are now too many vet students for it to contain. While they are trying to introduce a new curriculum, it's entirely possible they will not be able to by the time I start, meaning that I'd have to go through an antiquated course with little 'hands-on' experience until the fourth year.
It wasn't only the vet school that looked like it needed a bit of a scrub and update, but all the student union buildings and several others as well.
In fact, even though Liverpool was always going to be a fall back, I'm so un-awed by it, I'm doubting whether I'll apply at all.

Next week is Bristol! Really looking forward to it :)

Now I do promise I will finish the series of posts on my pets. Really.

I also promise to (at some point) do a post on Schistosomus Refluxus calves. Like my Penrose Drain post it will contain lots of highly scientific diagrams.

Sunday 19 June 2011

I love the smell of leather

Especially when it's just been polished. Sat on the stoep and polished my riding boots until I forgot how many times I'd done it. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy doing it.

My other favourite smells are wood smoke, cigarette smoke, the smell after the first summer rain, where everything is all fresh and clean as well as the smell of my dad's workshop. Although I imagine most autoelectricians'/mechanic's workshops smell the same, his is special.

This blog doesn't actually have a point, but I forgot to do one on friday.
Taxis cost a lot, just so you know.

*thinks of something to say*

OH! I ordered a Poets of the Fall hoodie and it should be here sometime this week, can't take that long to ship things from Finland right? I love this band so much it isn't funny, my best friend and I were planning to drive up there, to Finland to go and see them at some point. Considering relationship with said friend, that is no longer a plan. Although I have other friends, so it's okay.

I WILL see them live :)
One day.

That smilie face looks a bit odd, to me anyway.
The week after next I'm getting my Marine Mammal Medic qualification, so will go be able to rescue whales from the Thames and things. They'll actually ring me and ask for help. How snazzy is that? Really amped for it. The idea of mucking about in the sea this far North doesn't thrill me on the other hand, but I suppose I'll survive, won't I?

Running out of general rambles here, or at least interesting ones.

EDIT: Will people please tell me when I make spelling mistakes? This has sat out there on the internet for however long and no one mentioned that this wasn't 100% correct. Rather annoying to tell you the truth.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Penrose Drains (with diagram)

A lot  has happened since my last post, well, I think it has.
When was my last post?
What was it about?

Well Saturday I did my volunteer work with the kitties at a RSPCA  cattery :) Which was great, as always. I LOVE cats, really. They're so fluffeh and sweet! Will do a blog on all 5 of mine soon - with illustrations!
The next day there was a fete type thing at the cattery, were I was nominated to sell the dog food >.<
Yes, dog food, at a cattery. No cat food. At all.
Maybe a couple boxes.

So, in summary, I spent my weekend cuddling unwanted felines and eyeing up the St John's Ambulance.

Now, onto the main feature of today's blog:
Blog day will normally be friday, but not this friday as I'm at a party. YAYYYYY!

That wasn't the main feature.
This is:
When I'm all grown up, I want to be a vet. Due to how competitive getting into vet school is, and all the requirements you need to get in, I am currently doing work experience at a rather cute, small, country practice.

Today a lop came in with a large  lump. This lump was actually a pus filled abscess, which had already been lanced once. The vet re-opened the first cut, and made a second. This made sense, more really, really smelly pinky fluid could drain out of two holes, than could drain out of one.
Then, it got weird.
The Vet took a piece of (sterilised) rubber tube, and threaded it through the holes, before tying both ends together in a knot. At this point, I will admit, I was like WTF?!
Apparently this is called a Penrose Drain.
Now, for the promised diagram:
and finally after all of that, it's tied in a pretty knot.
It's not really pretty. Looks a bit gross to be honest. The drain (from what I gathered) gives the fluid something to run down, aiding drainage, as well as inhibiting healing, so the wounds will stay open for longer.
It's something I found rather awesome, so thought I'd share.

Now, sensitive audience, it doesn't look as gruesome in real life as my diagram makes it appear. Seriously.

Also, apologies for the lack of a lump in the illustration, I felt it would make my bunny less aesthetically pleasing.

I also sat my AS level unit 2 Physics exam on monday. Just in case you were wondering how I found it, it was pure, unadulterated evil. It was put together by some manic, sadistic demon.

I'm off, to go find fodder.
Wishing you many felicitations :)

Thursday 2 June 2011

My Babies, part I

Think it's time to tell you about all my children, there are a lot of them at the moment with makes me happy. I was originally going to have a loooong post about all of them, but not only do i want to keep you in suspense, but also think you'd get bored.
 I'd also, more importantly, get bored writing it.

Firstly, there are the chickens. They're newest and there are four of them, they all came from a yucky battery farm and looked a bit worse for wear at first. We only meant to get three, but they had some at the adoptiony place that didn't have home, so we got extra!
This caused an issue though, as I, using my immense powers of intellect, had decided to name the birdies after the PowerPuff girls, but the extra one presented a dilemma. In the end it was christened Henri. Just because.

Friday 27 May 2011

First Post and the short life of Steve


 Not sure what to say now, was just a bit bored so decided to make a blog.
Making it look prettier will also amuse me for quite some time, that's friday night sorted!

Oh! One of my best friends said he wants Steve, his now-dead ab (yes, ab as in singular) to be mentioned. 

RIP Steve.

I'm sorry to say that I'm (apparently) the one that cruelly murdered Steve. How, you ask? I poked him to death. Viciously. Will admit he resisted really well, but not well enough to withstand the torment my fingers bestowed upon him.
It took about a week, of near constant poking for Steve to die.
Needless to say my friend was not happy with me, not only because I killed his ab, but I suspect it was about that time that he swallowed the lid to a memory stick. It didn't make his insides, or Steve, very happy.

Steve, for what its  worth, I'm sorry. You were a beloved source of fun, I wish you'd lasted longer.

And that is the story of Steve.

I'm now off to eat my pizza (it has capers on it!) and prettify my blog page thingie.
