Sunday 9 October 2011

More Pets!

I've told you (and shown you awesome drawings) of my chickens, of which we sadly only have two left of.
So now you're getting all the others. Was originally going to do several separate ones, the cats, the other cats, my special princess cat, the dogs and Bird but as I have absolutely nothing else to do today, you're getting treated to a massive long one.

Actually, I'll just do the kitties today, I'm not that desperate.

The African Cats
Both of these children are part AWC, but how much we're not too sure about. Although the general consensus is that the Little One is a product of Mr Cat II's  wanderings before he had his bits removed. While she has the more African Wild Cat markings, and shorter fur, Missy has the better colour.

Now for a Fantastic, Wonderfully Accurate drawing:

But the issue, you see, is that this first drawing wasn't that accurate. I hadn't met the Little One yet when I drew it a few months ago, and it's been a year since I'd seen Missy, who'd changed considerably.

So, here is a more Wonderfully Accurate drawing:
The Little one is honestly the living incarnation of Simon's cat, as far as wanting food goes.

Frodo,Pippin and Rosie-Roo
Now this lot we got when they were about three weeks old, and hand reared. They were originally a semi-feral litter of farm cats but as their mother was a useless queen (kept leaving poor Roo in front of the tractor) we took them off her. The vet and my mom were both skeptical about their survival, they had serious eye infections, coughs and were drastically undersized. Think I was the only one who wasn't convinced Roo was going to die, even at 8 weeks she wasn't the healthiest kitten around, I was also one of a tiny handful of people who could clearly see she was a gorgeous baby, not an ugly scrap of tufty fluff.
As a result of not being let out of my sight, and rarely out of my hoodie pockets for a few months her and I have the most amazing relationship. I get so much love off this tiny cat that if I cuddle one of the boys too much while she is there she goes off in a massive mood and won't talk to or sleep with me for days.

We've just come out of one of those little huffs,  they're not nice.

The two boys :D Frodo (on the right) has actually put on a lot more weight muscle since that was taken.

My Roo-baby. She's currently lying at the end of the bed, she gets annoyed when she has to share my lap with Jellybean. There is nothing at all wrong with naming my laptop.

And that's a selection of my fuzzies!

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