Sunday 9 October 2011

I'm typing over a cat, it's quite awkward

Well this week has knackered me, that's for sure. My knees are getting so bad that soon my only option will be to send myself to the glue factory. Even my shoulders are now getting to the point where OTHER PEOPLE can hear them. Seriously.

Second week of the official timetable at my new college and still loving it, although will admit I'd forgotten just how messy budgies are O.o
and there were about 20 of them to clean up after.

Cat on my lap is trying to make herself less of a hinderance to typing by being flat.

If I had a complaint, it'd be the unconventional timetable. It just really annoys me, we have more time out of lesson per day than in it. But I love the lake, and sitting by it watching the ducks, although with the weather turning a bit ickky I doubt I'll be out doors much.

On Wednesday I went to Blackpool to see the lights and eat ice cream in the torrential rain. Been there before, but that was for the national qualifiers a few years ago, and only saw the inside of a sports hall. It was really fun, ended up soaking and very cold, but bought a sweet shop's worth of yummies which made up for it.

Really need to stop eating so many cupcakes and sweets.
...Actually, that's probably why I feel like I have the past few days, on the down after a week or so long sugar rush.

So that was a late night,followed, very cleverly, by another. There was some odd german themed evening at the college bar, which was really, really fun. Up until then just about everyone I'd met was on my course, so it was a chance to socialise and get to know a wider range of farmers.
Although the love of tractors seems to be an across the board thing.
Discovered that two pint glasses are HEAVY and need to be held with both hands too. Oh, the cat has gone now.

Friday is the day that I'm now working on, so I get free weekends!  And there had to be a cat that was sick when I was nursing a hangover. Yay.

Just remembered, have a ton of promised posts that I haven't done for the four or five of you that read this, will get to those.

Yesterday I did something entirely new and will admit when I first heard what I was being  dragged to I was a bit reluctant.
We went to a gamer cafe and I watched my rather cool friends take part in a Yugioh tournament. It was really fun and I loved the people there, Everyone was really chatty and I made some amazing new friends, it was nothing like what I'd have expected at all. AwkwardGiraffe and I put a lot of thought into a foolproof, and very professional, gaming tactic. Unfortunately it wasn't really suitable considering the age of her opponent.  So that was all good.
What really messed with my head a bit for the first half hour or so was that the cafe is in the same place my old fencing club used to be, kept expecting to see the pistes or people I knew there.
Marshmallow fluff also contributed to the awesomeness of the day :)

Now, onto the promised posts!

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