Thursday 9 June 2011

Penrose Drains (with diagram)

A lot  has happened since my last post, well, I think it has.
When was my last post?
What was it about?

Well Saturday I did my volunteer work with the kitties at a RSPCA  cattery :) Which was great, as always. I LOVE cats, really. They're so fluffeh and sweet! Will do a blog on all 5 of mine soon - with illustrations!
The next day there was a fete type thing at the cattery, were I was nominated to sell the dog food >.<
Yes, dog food, at a cattery. No cat food. At all.
Maybe a couple boxes.

So, in summary, I spent my weekend cuddling unwanted felines and eyeing up the St John's Ambulance.

Now, onto the main feature of today's blog:
Blog day will normally be friday, but not this friday as I'm at a party. YAYYYYY!

That wasn't the main feature.
This is:
When I'm all grown up, I want to be a vet. Due to how competitive getting into vet school is, and all the requirements you need to get in, I am currently doing work experience at a rather cute, small, country practice.

Today a lop came in with a large  lump. This lump was actually a pus filled abscess, which had already been lanced once. The vet re-opened the first cut, and made a second. This made sense, more really, really smelly pinky fluid could drain out of two holes, than could drain out of one.
Then, it got weird.
The Vet took a piece of (sterilised) rubber tube, and threaded it through the holes, before tying both ends together in a knot. At this point, I will admit, I was like WTF?!
Apparently this is called a Penrose Drain.
Now, for the promised diagram:
and finally after all of that, it's tied in a pretty knot.
It's not really pretty. Looks a bit gross to be honest. The drain (from what I gathered) gives the fluid something to run down, aiding drainage, as well as inhibiting healing, so the wounds will stay open for longer.
It's something I found rather awesome, so thought I'd share.

Now, sensitive audience, it doesn't look as gruesome in real life as my diagram makes it appear. Seriously.

Also, apologies for the lack of a lump in the illustration, I felt it would make my bunny less aesthetically pleasing.

I also sat my AS level unit 2 Physics exam on monday. Just in case you were wondering how I found it, it was pure, unadulterated evil. It was put together by some manic, sadistic demon.

I'm off, to go find fodder.
Wishing you many felicitations :)

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