Thursday 2 June 2011

My Babies, part I

Think it's time to tell you about all my children, there are a lot of them at the moment with makes me happy. I was originally going to have a loooong post about all of them, but not only do i want to keep you in suspense, but also think you'd get bored.
 I'd also, more importantly, get bored writing it.

Firstly, there are the chickens. They're newest and there are four of them, they all came from a yucky battery farm and looked a bit worse for wear at first. We only meant to get three, but they had some at the adoptiony place that didn't have home, so we got extra!
This caused an issue though, as I, using my immense powers of intellect, had decided to name the birdies after the PowerPuff girls, but the extra one presented a dilemma. In the end it was christened Henri. Just because.

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