Thursday 28 July 2011

Post with Punjab in it lots

Been back from Kruger for a few days now, but dad ran off with the laptop to Mozambique, so here is your Kruger update!
And btw, the absolutely perfect Punji is helping me with this, his input is highly valued. He seems a bit upset too  :(

We literally saw EVERYTHING except wild dog while in the KNP. Saw the big five, including a fantastic leopard sighting. He was on the opposite side of the river from the perimeter fence at Sirheni, followed him the whole way along it. My other mother also saw one, but it ran off before we could ogle. Managed to see two cheetah too and a pair of mating lion. Was convinced for a few hectic seconds that the female was about to jump into the Landy through the very open window.
Now if that isn't a better wake up than an alarm at 6:30 in the morning I dunno what is.
Saw another pair, this time two young males stalking a buffalo herd, they sat right on the road in front of us for a while, as did the others, before disappearing back into the bush.

Now was was REALLY annoying was that I was in the back of the landyDiscovery with my brother and his friend, Ellie. Now we decided it'd be fair to switch around each day so everyone had a turn at the window, or in the middle.
Apparently the landies and the Discovery are different, not quite sure how.

Punji has some vital input at this point:  *lick*

Thing issue is, Ellie likes to sleep, to the point were it's bordering on narcolepsy. So therefore, whenever he was at the window, he fell asleep.
I wasn't a happy bunny.

Punjab seems a bit melancholy. He wants your hugs and kisses. Really, he thrives on them.

Took him and Sparky, the other dog for a walk today, cleverly deciding to depart for out hour's excursion at midday.
I tell you, carrying a fully grown Staffie who has decided he's too tired to walk isn't amusing. He very quickly got placed back on the floor, poor boy. Even Sparky, how normally races around the bush at 100kmph was barely managing a slow trot by the end, I really felt like an abusive human being, Punji was still panting half an hour after we got back. He went and hid under the side coffee  table indoors - double the shade!
Poor doggie.

My maid made me a mountain of pap today for lunch, she offered to do it whenever asked. It makes me happy.

I can never find fault with her again.

Also convinced my stepmom is about to have a stress related heart attack, went with her to work yesterday. Wasn't even time for us to have a chat, until after 5.30.

Oh! More dog related news! Punji and Sparks got into an argument, Sparks' ear got a little rip and he bled EVERYWHERE all day and night. He had a silly looking bandage all over his head, I will admit I laughed.

ALSO! Did you not the fuzzy brown bit of a coconut is inside a solid green bit? The green bit of our's is now highly decorated and pretty.

Feeling antisocial sat here on the computer, and punj wants a lie down. Also need to call my mother, so bye.

At least I updated!

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