Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day Three

today (wednesday) was more fun then yesterday, yesterday I started with the little cute ducklings and ended up doing a lot of washing and tidying. mucked out the hedge pigs too. Ended up using my initiative due to lack of things to do at one point and folded and industrial laundry carrier thing's worth of towels and sheets. Not only was this thing full, but piled up to about my height.

Wednesday 13 June, 7:55 - 16:20
Today I was in the orphan room, fed the baby birds, some so small/young they're still in a heated box. They're fed Harrison's recovery mix, the ominvorous species have cat meat added to it. This is fed to them by hand, every hour, on the thin end of those tiny plastic spatulas, I want to call them make - up spatulas but not sure what their original purpose was. Anyway,this is kind of shoved down their throats, they don't seem to mind, some actively seem to try and impale themselves on it, which goes through me.
The ones that can eat for themselves or that are starting to are fed prosecto (squished bugs), a mixture of seeds and some meal worms dependent on species and age.
The baby wood pigeons are crop-tubed and are fed a liquid juvenile mix, I didn't get to do this though :(
Cleaned the cages and re-made 'nests' for the really young nestlings, this was regularly halted in order to do the feeds. Something else that occured at least once for every cage of small, fledged birds I cleaned, like the blue tits and sparrows, one would escape. Didn't take much for each to be caught up, but still resulted in a minor panic.
Becoming well versed in how to sweep and mop the corridor.
In the orphan room, due to it being quarantined as it had trichomonosis, was a rather friendly crow :D He was PTS near the end of the day though, had finished his course of treatment with no improvement and as it's highly contagious he couldn't go with the other crows in the aviary, nor could he be released without flight practice. :(
Trichomonosis is found at the back of the throat, charaterised by typical sick bird symptoms and can be fatal.

Cleaned out the hedgepigs again, one made the cutest noises ever, although when I asked about it they turned out to be pissed off hedgehog noises. Woops.
The one that weighed 1.01kg (fatty), was notable due to having a clear/white bubbly nasal discharge, looked a bit like spit. One had green feaces with blood in it and a couple others had ringworm, another had a yukky, infected toe that was oozing pus.

Did the ducklings (big AWWWWWW) afternoon feeds and waters, replaced wet shavings and generally tidied up in the duckling room. They're fed a high protein duckling crumb, one enclosure-ful has prosecto with this.
Corvid feeds were done at four, swopped the little birds for a chance to coo over crows again, there is a big, loud, demanding one that I really like, he hops on you and caws lots. :D Has a big gob too
The Jackdaws don't hop on you, they mob you and scream.
Want a pet crow.


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