Monday 11 June 2012

Chilling with the Corvids

First day of my work placement at the wildlife centre today and as it's a college related placement it's related to coursework >.<
As part of that we have to keep a record of what we do there, so as SugarPuff doesn't have a word processor atm I'll just just it up here, probably save the rest as drafts and publish them weekly.
So here we go...

Monday 11 June, 7:55-16:15, Day 1
Got there before all the staff, which led to some confusion as to whether the doorbell worked or not. For the most part of the day I was in the corvid room. This consisted of three aviaries, one for crows, another for jackdaws and a third for magpies, along with this there were a few in cat baskets, with more arriving as the day continued.
Now not only did all of these need cleaning, but feeding every hour too, by hand. Everyone, and there was a lot.. But it was fun, until a magpie launched itself at my face or the jackdaws decided I was safe to land on, placing them that much closer to my ear when they wanted to shriek. Still partially deaf I'm sure.

The crows had to have been my favourite, they didn't try aim their shit at me, were polite and waited their turn for food, took said food nicely and scream at me. I want one. Or two.

They're fed seed, dog biscuits, tinned cat meat, ground up bugs and chopped up chicks (thankfully it never came to me preparing that part of the food) Along with feeding the feathery things, had to clean them out, catch up several escapees and sweep.

Someone was asked to show me how to sweep the corridor, srsly. and we found unicorn blood.

Which was probably swan shit, hence why I wasn't all that tempted to taste it, even though it looked like unicorn blood. Had the right consistency too.

Without realising I accidentally let a magpie out - the door to their aviary doesn't close properly in my defense, and to my knowledge it's still between the aviary and wall. Woops.

Yes, I did get shat on, but was wearing overalls so tis all good. Wasn't wearing a hat though, but luckily only one little one got my hair, think I was quite lucky.

saw a hedgehog for the first time (I think?) and OMG I want it! Looked so soft and cute and cuddly!!

I also learnt to operate the washing machine and tumble dryer.

End of day one. I think?

Will of course have to revise that before adding it to my assignment :p

Also, sadly only down to one chicken now, Blossom had been sick for awhile and when we got home on saturday it was clear she wouldn't make the night.
The neighbor is going to give us one of his, so Bubbles won't be along, think we're picking her up tomorrow, all I know is that she is a buff Lincolnshire?  So should look a bit like this:

Effectively, like bubbles, despite being a fancy breed.

Off to do some revision now! Exam is on Friday. Shit.

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