Tuesday 3 July 2012

too tired to post properly

Thursday 28 June
Outside for the first time, cleaned outdoor duckling runs and a goose pond. Scrubbed and disinfected a vacated aviary. Washed up a lot, found it cute how all the hog food bowls matched.
At 3:30 someone remembered that more ducklings had been moved outside, needed to be let out and cleaned. both lots had drank all their water, surprised they all lived, was boiling in their cabins.

Friday 29 June
Started cleaning ducklings, small ones in incubator  had run out of food and water over night. Found two dead. After cleaning out incubator and replacing ducklings notice one was highly inactive, continued duckling cleans, regularly checking up on it. About 10 it took it to the orphan room where it was given fluids and put in its own small incubator.
Replaced water belonging to remaining 7 ducklings with critical care formula, this is mixed with water and contains a variety of sugars and electrolytes.
Duckling taken away from companions died.
Continued to check on remaining ducklings, while one was more lethargic than others it appeared to   gain health/energy as the day went on and was seen drinking, despite this he also died.

Between checking on ducklings helped with cleans and feeds in orphan and fledgling rooms.

Monday 2 July
Did cleans and feeds in duckling and fledgling rooms. Once I was taught how to force feed meal worms to house martins I did so hourly. Time consuming process, 11 birds who each needed two worms, and they're tiny! Was so scared of hurting them, accidentally let a few go too. Woops.

Tuesday 3 July
Worked in a different section,the isolation corridor, with ducklings and fledglings. Got to hold big cygnets, want one, they're really cute, warm and fuzzy. New teeny tiny ducklings in incubator, 6 that survived Friday had been moved into a pen. Saw a tawny owl chick, a buzzard fledgling, juvenile buzzard, curious black headed gull and a couple of little owls today too

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