Thursday 31 May 2012

Some New Things

Just got a new laptop, SugarPuff, after the last one's motherboard blew up. Is it bad that I'm missing a laptop? :( Realised I was really horrible last night and left SugarPuff next to JellyBean's corpse all night. The death of Jelly was partially the reason for the lack of blogging but have to say, I'm just crap at updating.
Overall things have been really good recently, got a part time job as a zookeeper, which is rather fun, I genuinely love it. End up shattered afterwards though.
It's the last day of my first year at this college, although I finished the course last week, this week has been thrilling as a result. Do go on a five week work placement after the half term at a local wildlife hospital - really hope there are fox cubs to play with, and birds! Love birds, especially psittcines and birds of prey :D

Saw Guns 'n Roses night before last at the MEN in Manchester. Thin Lizzy opened for them, they were quite good, I enjoyed it but the crowd was a bit shitty. It's difficult to get excited in a room full of unexcited people, that said, never seen the MEN so empty O.o
G n' R were EPIC though!! Loved them, and all three guitarists were AMAZING, Richard Fortus has really nice hands btw, is that weird? It was an amazing gig, lots of flashy lights and pyrotechnincs, over ran by about two hours though, didn't mind too much tbh, was fun. Did mean I only got to bed at about 3.50 before a 6.30 start. fun. 
Would do it again any day though, they were so worth the money. Not just so that I can rub in in my stepmommy's face either. 

Some more about the job and why it's epic. 
Get to work with some rather cool animals, ring-tailed lemur who are so fun to hand feed, a grumpy serval, Brazilian tapir, which are just big doggies. You can just walk up to them, scratch them under the chin and they will honestly just flop over onto the floor and roll over - so cute! 
However, DO NOT APPROACH UNKNOWN TAPIRS! Although multiple accounts imply that most tapirs, Brazilian ones anyway seem to react like this. 
That said the Malaysianones have a reputation for being iffy.  
Malaysian tapir - DO NOT TOUCH

Brazilian tapir - APPROACH WITH CARE, but they do like cuddles.
There are also alpaca, not llama, sheep, poultry with the world's most violent goose, shitty  ponies and porcupine. On the subject of porcupine, I want a porcupine called Mike that I can harness train and take for walks.
There are also a few birds of prey and parakeets, only got one Senegal parrot too.

But what I tend to end up working most with is these:

 The Emperor Newts, Tylototriton shanjing, NOT verrucosus are my favourite :)
There was some iffiness about the species classification.
I don't mind working with the Bearded Dragons, quite like some of them. The snakes still scare my loads though, being attacked by the Amazoinan Boa didn't help my perception of them as evil scary prehistoric monsters.
Attacked is probably a strong word, but she went for me, didn't get me though so it was okay. Kinda wish she had though, would have been awesome to show off with :p
File:Corallus hortulanus in Ecuador.jpg

The only difference is that the one at work is more patterned and purpleier and secretes evil, bitchy vibes.

My best friend is also moving this weekend :( Spending the first part of half term with her, and and it's going to be horrible without her just up the road! At the same time it's really scary,she has her own, relatively successful business and is moving out while I still have years of education stretching ahead of me O.o
And it's so grown up! We're not old enough to do that sort of thing yet!

So excited to have my A2 exams over with soon and to doing my work placement! the latter more so. There is also the summer ball coming up and I'm going home again!